Back in 2004, 2005 and 2006, I had talked to the recruiters briefly about getting a commission. I was practically blown off by the recruiters since they were wanting "engineering students only" and that I was older than most of my peers.
Here is where my gripe comes in. I was older because I had spent 10 years in the Air Force. I had left to work on getting a degree in hopes of getting a commission. I was a 3C051 Communications/Computer Systems Specialist and then retrained to eventually become a 1A471 Instructor of Air Battle Management. I had hoped of getting a job as either a 13Bx Air Battle Manager, 14Nx Intelligence, 33Sx Communications/Computer Systems Officer.
I had finished my degree in Business Information Technology and graduated Magna Cum Laude from Virginia Tech. I had already knocked out my AFOQT prior to leaving the service. But, the recruiters still did not even call me back after talking to them at the career fair. Now, I am past the 36 year old age cutoff. So the Air Force is no longer an option for me. Such a shame since I truly enjoyed the military.
But, when one door closes, another door opens. While it is not the life I had planned for, I do not think I could trade it for anything else.
By the way.. here are my test results....

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